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On That Webdev Grind

Tuesday 03 September 2024

Exactly what it says on the tin. I've been spending the last week or so endlessly coding on this website...

...and having the absolute time of my life doing so!

The reason is, it's just so much fun to create something and watch it all come together in real time, and know that it's already out there for everyone to see.

This website project has really sparked my creativity like never before. Suddenly there's so much I want to make so that I can put it here. Alongside that, there's so many projects I want to complete so that I can showcase them here, such as my games, or putting my music on streaming services. Basically, this website makes it all feel a bit more "real". And that feeling works wonders.

Anyway, the "Creations" tab now has some actual content on it. I've started uploading my drawings to the "Original Art", "Fan Art", and "Sketches" categories. The "Music" and "Misc" categories will have something to show soon. I'm also considering adding mobile support to the website. Since I've spent a lot of time in these past few days getting to know CSS, responsive design doesn't look too difficult.

God, this blog posting app really is my favourite thing out of all of this. I added a similar system to upload my art with. Yep, those "Creations" pages all update dynamically! Cool, right?

Anyways, until next time!